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Authentic Success

Do you want to look good,
or be good?

This simple, yet fundamental question is at the heart of whether you are chasing perceived success, which is driven by external factors, or authentic success, which is all about results. The latter removes external measures of ‘success’ and instead focuses on the things which move you toward your goals.

Ultimately, whether you chase perceived or authentic success comes down to one powerful question – how do you want to live?

Video Resources

Doing vs Being
Smashing through your comfort zone


Listen to Mark explain prism gluten-free schlitz, flannel sustainable aliqua umami godard iceland mustache.

Authentic Success Worksheet

Download the Authentic Success Worksheet to help you stay focused on the actions which lead to tangible results.

“Mark has been instrumental in my development as a leader and assisting me to navigate through the many challenges faced in my varied roles.”

Jason CunninghamPartner at The Practice

“Mark had the respect of the playing group because of not only recounting stories of his own upbringing which was easily identifiable by my group, but also his work with world-class athletes.”

Gary Ayres5 x AFL Premiership player – Mark worked with Gary’s players before they played the perfect season. Zero losses.

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