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Resourcing the Leader

6 things every leader
needs to succeed

Most leaders I meet are completely overwhelmed.

You have to be across everything – from marketing and sales, to customer service, training, processes, developing your people, and doing the books. And because you’re so capable (and no-one cares about your business more than you) the tendency is to ‘fix’ everything – ‘I’ll solve it’.

Mark’s focus is to ensure the leader is resourced so they can be more successful.

The resources on this page explore the things leaders need to be more successful, including:

  • The 3 areas leaders need to master if they want to scale (i.e. get your people doing what you do).
  • The 6 things ALL leaders need to support them toward their next significant milestone.
  • What kind of leader do you need to BE to achieve the results you want? And how do you
    develop those skills if they’re not innate for you?

Video Resources

Are you P*ssing in the champagne glass tower?
3 imperatives of scaling – Purpose, Vision, Culture
Resourcing the leader for success
What kind of leader do you need to be?

The Title Worksheet

Download the Resourcing the Leader Worksheet to help you lorem ipsum dolor amet sint authentic food truck bespoke heirloom, you probably haven’t heard of them cliche.

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“Mark has been instrumental in my development as a leader and assisting me to navigate through the many challenges faced in my varied roles.”

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“Mark had the respect of the playing group because of not only recounting stories of his own upbringing which was easily identifiable by my group, but also his work with world-class athletes.”

Gary Ayres5 x AFL Premiership player – Mark worked with Gary’s players before they played the perfect season. Zero losses.

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